Simple Tips for Mixing and Matching Jewelry

You have chosen your outfit and now it’s time to style your jewelry. So many struggle with matching jewelry- not so much with your outfit but mixing and matching your jewelry together. Isbell Jewelers is here to help. Today we are sharing our best tips for mixing and matching jewelry that will help you feel confident and look fabulous! 


First Choose a Focal Point


The key to styling anything in life is choosing the right focal point. The same is true for your jewelry. When mixing and matching your jewelry, think of what you want to draw other’s eyes. 


Earrings highlight the structure of your face when styled well. (To learn more about this, check out The Right Earrings for Every Face Shape) Necklaces highlight beautiful collarbones and can lengthen the neck. They also center the focus of your overall style. (Learn more about choosing necklaces: Choosing the Right Necklace for Every Neckline) Rings and bracelets offer pops of color and texture, break up the long lines of your arms, and offer interest around your hands. 


Another way to choose a focal point for your jewelry is to choose your favorite jewelry. When you are wearing something you already love, your confidence gets a boost! Perhaps you have some sentimental jewelry that you feel strongly about, choose your other jewelry to complement it. Do you have an heirloom necklace that you just love? Style your other jewelry around it! 


Mixing and Matching Jewelry


Once you have chosen your focal point jewelry, it is time to add to it! While this may be the most intimidating step of mixing and matching your jewelry, don’t stress! With a little practice and these tips, you will feel confident, stylish, and beautiful in no time! 


Styling with Diamonds


Diamond jewelry is wonderful for so many reasons but when it comes to mixing and matching jewelry know that diamonds can be styled with any other jewelry. Diamonds paired with any other colored gemstone always look great. Take care not to mix too many different colored gemstones with diamonds. While diamonds and brilliant green emeralds look marvelous together, diamonds plus emeralds plus a third colored gemstone pushes the limit. You don’t want to incorporate so many colors that you resemble the circus! Several different colors can look busy and possibly compete with your outfit. Keep it classy with diamonds plus one other gemstone color.


Mixing and Matching Gemstones


Consider the color wheel and let it guide your gemstone combinations. Complementary colors are opposite to each other on the color wheel and look good together. Think emeralds and rubies, amethyst, and citrine. Monochromatic colors are next to each other on the color wheel and form a cohesive jewelry look when styled together. Examples include rubies and pink sapphires, and blue sapphires paired with aquamarine gemstones. Monochromatic colors are a good stepping stone if you are insecure about mixing colored gemstone jewelry. 

a graphic of the full color wheel

For an in-depth look at paring colored gemstone jewelry, visit our blog What Gemstones go Well Together: Popular Gemstone Combinations. 


Mixing and Matching Metals


Many years ago, the idea of mixing metals was unheard of in the fashion world. Matching sets of jewelry, called parures, were sold almost exclusively. Times and fashion have evolved. Yes, matching sets of jewelry are still gorgeous and in style, but you can also mix it up! You can successfully and stylishly mix metals by following these simple guidelines.


Layering is Key


When mixing metal jewelry, layering is key. It makes the look cohesive and intentional. Layering necklaces at different lengths, layering bracelets with different metals and textures, and combining rings of different metals all help mixing metal jewelry a success. 


Consider Jewelry Zones


The jewelry zones most people accessorize are the neck, ears, wrists, and fingers. You do not have to wear jewelry in all 4 of these places at once (you can but consider your focal point!) When mixing metals it is good to balance the different metals among the zones you are wearing. For example, if you are wearing bracelets, layer the different metal bracelets together. Don’t just wear all silver bracelets and a yellow gold ring. A yellow gold necklace placed amongst all silver jewelry in the other zones can look out of place but layering a yellow gold necklace with another silver or white gold necklace can create balance. 


Consider Your Skin Tone When Mixing Metal Jewelry


When mixing metals it is good to consider your skin tone. Warmer metals such as yellow gold and rose gold complement warmer skin undertones and cooler metals such as white gold or silver complement cooler skin undertones. You want to make sure that the primary metal you are wearing looks best with your skin undertones. You can mix the others together but be careful that the tones don’t compete with your own skin tone or the balance is off and the look can feel unsettled. 


Isbell Jewelers Can Guide You With Mixing and Matching Jewelry


Mixing and matching jewelry can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be! With a little practice and some trial and error, anyone can master the look and walk out the door feeling fabulous and confident. Our jewelers at Isbell have been mixing and matching jewelry since 1982. We can help you choose the right jewelry combinations for any occasion. We also specialize in custom-designed jewelry and can help bring your vision to life. Stop by our showroom to see our latest collections or browse our gallery online for inspiration!

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